It’s Monday – that means it’s Metaverse Day! Join us tonight at 6PM PT for the second arc of PROJECT: METAVERSE, our original RPG livestream, exclusively on http://twitch.tv/zombieorpheus! PROJECT: METAVERSE continues it’s four week run tonight, with MASTERS OF THE METAVERSE returning after.
If you’ve never seen the show – don’t worry! This is the perfect time to jump in and experience the ZOE storytelling you’ve come to know and love. And if you’re hankering for more backstory, check out the ZOE Wiki and the Masters Of The Metaverse section for a complete crash course in all things Metaverse related. After the show, come by the ZOE Discord to chat, ask questions, and hang out with other ZOE fans.
Last Monday, we went returned to the Kingdom of Yosemite and learned more about T.O.M. It’s been some time since the events of Sentinel City. Andi Jaymes has been working with TOM, travelling to New York City with a man named Bruno and to London with a man named Cole, meeting with mercenaries, gathering passports, credit cards, and anything that TOM needs her to do. She makes her way to Africa and comes upon an ancient chamber. Inside, she finds a cave painting depicting a domed city, an individual with thousands of duplicates, and the end of the world. She steps up to a pillar and places her hand on it, transporting instantly to TOM inside the metaverse. Meanwhile, the other pilots have been in lock down, with any attempts at uncovering the truth constantly thwarted.
One night, they receive a message from TOM and head for the lowest basement level, while what sounds like an all out assault rages on above them. As they descend deeper and deeper, they could swear they hear a man calling out for someone named Eli Stone. In the basement level, the pilots find five metapods, with one terribly damaged by what looks like machine gun fire. Stepping into the pods, they too are transported into the metaverse, reuniting with TOM and Andi.
TOM reveals that he is neither AI nor a Program creation – he made himself. The Founders and The Program are, in his estimation, squabbling children who have lost sight of the bigger threat. A threat on the scale of an apocalypse is coming for the metaverse and he needs the pilots to help him save everything. They must catch up to the other team of pilots. In order to do that, they must follow their trail – which leads them to the Kingdom of Yosemite. In the bodies of four disgraced Confederate generals, one of whom killed Benjamin Franklin, the pilots must run from Richard Gatling, Johnny Appleseed, and their forces in order to avoid a court martial and the hangman’s noose. They dodge strange and twisted creations from Edison’s graveyard, floods, and disappearing pants. Eventually, they stumble upon an abandoned house. The floors are splattered with old blood and the door has been clawed off it’s hinges. The group decides to sleep in the barn for the night and when they awake they hear the sounds of many men and horses just outside their door. Who are the men outside the barn? What secrets does T.O.M. still hold? Can our pilots save their avatars?
MASTERS OF THE METAVERSE is an RPG set in a world completely designed and created by Zombie Orpheus Entertainment. In it, players control two characters: a pilot and an avatar. Each one gives the players different skills and abilities – but the catch is they can only access one at a time. The setting is unique and changes with each story arc. So far, we’ve visited a city of superheroes, an old west setting with zombies, magical space princesses, an alien invasion, and even spent some time in the world of Fartherall.