Metaverse Poll & BIG NEWS re Fartherall – $25+ backer reward

“Founders Day”

Having defeated the alien invaders, the metapilots return to their home reality – only to find a new challenge awaits.

Monday October 23 @6pm Pacific – live on Hyper RPG 

Same rules as always: we’ll post a poll listing each cast member (as well as the GM).  For each vote a cast member receives, they’ll gain access to a one-time bonus pool of “shielding” to use during the next episode (with that bonus pool equal to “number of votes they received multiplied by 10”).  When they take damage during the show, they’ll subtract from their bonus pool first: think of it as a temporary overshield or similar mechanic from a video game.

And as always, thanks for your support!


And coming OCTOBER 30 – a special 4 week Metaverse story arc taking place IN FARTHERALL, 100% canon, with special guest GM Matt Vancil.


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