New Hat Trick Pony Performance is Up!

Thanks for your patience while we got this finished up!

Also, we’re testing some new microphones. Compared to the video above, what do you think of this sound?


We’re shooting Rogar’s episode tomorrow. Magellan is locked and off to music and sound, so that episode should be done very soon!

Once Magellan, Rogar, and The Incident are complete we’ll be launching a Kickstarter to supplement this Patreon and fund a first season of the show.


We finished pickups for the Strowlers pilot last Friday and are much closer to a final cut. It’s finally moving from “what the hell did we make?” to “this is really good!”, a process that every one of our films goes through during editing.

JourneyQuest edit is also coming along, with a rough cut expected shortly.

We’ve also added Hands of Fate, Humans & Households, and Natural One to Amazon Prime and would love to have your views and reviews. Just search for The Gamers on Prime and they’ll show up!

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