Over the course of our JourneyQuest 3.5 campaign, we’ve received amazing fan art, memes, movie posters, and more. But now it’s time to break out the aprons because we have JourneyQuest themed snacks!
This past GenCon, we met The Gluttonous Geek and became fast friends. Then to our surprise, she showed us 2 recipes on her website that were JourneyQuest themed! With our minds blown, we had to get our hands on these recipes – and after seeing them, we knew we had to give them to you!
Introducing: Wren’s Pineapple Tarts
And Perf’s “Conjure Milk” Raspberry Scones
As we near the end of this campaign, invite some friends over, serve them one or both of these amazing recipes and introduce them to JourneyQuest! Spread the word with snacks!
We would love to see how many of you give these recipes a try, or create your own! Share your pictures and videos on social media and tag us!
There are only 6 days left to back JourneyQuest 3.5, so don’t miss your chance!