It’s a NEW, 5 week story arc for Masters of the Metaverse with CHRISTIAN DOYLE as the GM — check it out on !
This week begins a new option for Patreon backers at the $5 and up level: now YOU get to decide what powers from their previous avatars/realities the team can access: will you give Jenika her nanowasps from Bombshell or her Emily Dickinson ninja skills? Should Rosie tap into the memory of Hex Destiny or conjure up Annie Oakley? YOU make the call!
Please vote for ONE option FOR EACH CHARACTER — the option with the most votes will be added to the pre-show store for Monday at . Note that not all characters have multiple avatars to choose from yet — future polls may include more options.
Future polls will go up on Tuesdays: this week was delayed due to some tweaks we needed to make to the new reality. Poll closes Saturday June 3 at 6pm Pacific.