Patreon Coupons for Backerkit

Hello all! We’re having a bit of trouble with our Backerkit coupons for some Patreon users. The coupon codes appear to be working fine for anyone who is adding on new items of value but failing for users who do not have any add-ons of value (like our add the coupon button hack that we were attempting to use to get around this in the Backerkit system). 

I have manually added the value of your coupon (applied toward your shipping balance) for the Strowlers Three Stories or Demon Hunters World Bible Backerkits if you were a Patreon backer at the $5+ level and your coupon code did not go through with the “add coupon button”. 

Moving forward: 

* If you are not a kickstarter backer on these projects and want to buy items a la carte with your coupon code, you should have no issues. The coupon code field will appear once you add an item to your cart.

* If you are a kickstarter backer on these projects and have added an add-on of value,  you should have no issues with your coupon code. The coupon code field will appear once you add an item to your cart.

* If you are a kickstarter backer on these projects and do not have add-ons of value (ie. you would like to use your coupon code to pay for shipping expenses), email me ( and I will manually add your coupon credit. (With apologies for this extra step.) 

Thanks all, 


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