Fans of Their Fans
BY DAVID AZADI SCOTT | ZOE FANS ON ZOE FILMS | From the moment of the opening credits in the
BY DAVID AZADI SCOTT | ZOE FANS ON ZOE FILMS | From the moment of the opening credits in the
BY AMETHYST MARIE | ZOE FANS ON ZOE FILMS | I grew up fundamentalist Christian. We weren’t Chick tract fans.
BY BEN DOBYNS Who needs another streaming service? Netflix. Amazon. Hulu. CBS. Dozens of imitators. Everyone wants a piece of
BY DARRYL MOTT Crowdfunding became a popular method of independent financing in the early 2010s thanks to websites such as
BY DARRYL MOTT The term “cinematic universe” came into vogue in Hollywood circles following the success of the Marvel comic
BY KEVIN INOUYE What’s a fantasy series without swords, or RPG without combat? Sure, it’s doable, but I think we’d