UDS Setting Map and Book: Demon Hunters – Brotherhood / Celestial Torch HQ (Blueprint)


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The Demon Hunters Brotherhood Headquarters Map is written by Game Designer, Nathan Rice and contains 4 floors and many rooms. Fabulously detailed, you’ll love this book!

Example Text the Map booklet:

“Redmond, Washington is one of the big tech centers in the United States of America. It is where Microsquish got started and has a presence from many other Big Tech companies like Farcebook and Scamazon. While many fields of technological research and development exist in this area, it is one of the world’s biggest leaders in Virtual Reality. The Brotherhood Magic and Mad Science (M&M) division saw this as an opportunity to capitalize on the existing local talent and use extant and developing technology from the private sector to improve many of their own mad science efforts.

Recruiting in this area is easier than you might think. I mean, what is the software engineer who had their arm eaten by a Cacodaemon gonna do for work? What organization is prepared to help someone function after that trauma? And the visual design artist who gets really hairy and feral on the nights of the full moon, thanks to going to the wrong furry party on the wrong night? That can lead to some awkwardness in your ordinary, everyday workplace.

Luckily, the Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch is not your ordinary, everyday workplace. But they try to look like they are. The exterior of their Redmond headquarters looks like any of hundreds of tech campus buildings found in the area, with lots of glass showing on the exterior, tinted beyond the ability to see inside. The signage on the front of the building says “A.T.’s and Beyond Technologies”, but has really nothing else to distinguish it among the other buildings attempting to be non-descript.

The first floor is designed to appear and function in every way like the office of a tech start-up that has just started gaining some traction in the marketplace and has finally upgraded to a modern building. No one without clearance is supposed to be able to make it past the lobby, but if they somehow do, the Brotherhood agents have a window of time to grab them and give ‘em the boot before they see anything too outlandish.

Parts of the second floor are close to normal, but it is here that most of the R & D takes place. The most advanced/dangerous M&M development occurs here, most of it taking advantage of modern VR advances and applying them to different M&M projects. Most mission planning and intelligence resources are centered on this floor as well. Most rooms and all labs on this level require keycard access.

The basement and sub-basement levels are more… practical. The more volatile or obviously supernatural/mad science-y/so-totally- not-your-normal-tech-company tests happent in the basement, like training, the firing range, and space stuff. The sub-basement is for evaluations once a unit or project is ready to be beta-tested. Nearly everything on these floors also requires keycard access.”

Additional information

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 11 × 17 × 1 in
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